I started crocheting a rug for my office/guest room. I do not have a pattern I am using but working on one myself. I will post it when I am done (if it looks good in the end). It is going to be about 4 1/2 feet all around and right now it is a little over 2 feet.

Do you think I should add more colors to this rug or just leave it green?
Other than this project, I am working on a green hat with red mustache for St. Patrick's Day and finishing up a hanging nest for a newborn photography prop. Should be done and get these pics up soon!
To answer my question in a previous post about rugs. Yes, it is totally worth it! This has been really fun and I love learning something new! I can't wait to see how the finished product looks! I also can't wait to purchase a big skein of rope and crochet a doily rug for my bedroom!
Happy crocheting!